Teacher in Training

I am a third grade teacher who LOVES her job. I am constantly evolving as a teacher, and training along the way. I hope to offer teaching tidbits, and the occasional tangent of fun.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome Back! School with students began for me this week! I am totally excited about my class. They are well behaved. The co-teaching is going well!! My partner and I have found much common ground. My blog today is not about co-teaching though. It is about Interactive Notebooks. They are all the rage, and everyone teacher you read about loves them. Our grade level has decided to commit to doing interactive notebooks this year, BUT where to begin? I found a blog as I was searching Pinterest with a few tips to read BEFORE you begin. The blog, All Students Can Shine, has 10 tips for newbies, like my grade level. She also has interactive notebooks for sale on TpT (I am not endorsing them. I have not looked through them). Check them out though. It is a very overwhelming task and one great piece of advice is to start small. Our grade level is going to start with different types of sentences and place value. We are not diving in without getting our feet wet. I hope this is helpful. If you have any tips for us, please leave them in the comments section. Have a great day!

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